Neither Perseus nor Theseus are durable at all. It's a shame that X4 encuclopedia is so lacking in showing you the actual strong and weak points of designs You made to take a closer look at Teladi and paranid fighters. I must admit I'm a weapons/hull/shield guy, so anything other than Eclipse and Pulsar seem crap to me. The Quasar on the other hand has half the shields, half the hull and half the speed of a Perseus AND is three times bigger! No matter which numbers you take from the Quasar, they are the worst. They are pretty balanced but I can see why some people would prefer more weapons. Eclipse has more weapons on the other hand, and Nova is more agile then a Falcon. has a bit better hull and shield then Eclipse and is smaller and faster. Teladis Buzzard and Falcon can both easily compete with Eclipse and Nova. They are the most agile, yet very durable fighters and on top of that have a low profile. Perseus and Thesus are both outperforming every other fighter in the game.